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Why Functional Testing is crucial for your web based software?

Functional testing is carried over to monitor how your software is performing with respect to its expected functionalities.

Once the test is done functional traits and performance can be boosted so that business requirements of the software are fulfilled.

Core benefits of functionality testing,

Increasing the user experience by tracing out bugs and lost opportunities in the settings

Allows our team to enhance the interface of the software in accordance with the requirements.

Compare the output data of the test to that of expected data

Identify how a function is affecting other function

Check interaction and integration of each component inside the software system including the hardware

Sub testing methodologies of functional testing helps in accurately finding out vulnerability and unnoticed bugs.

Services we offer in functional Testing

Unit Testing

Individual units of software will be tested.

Integration Testing

Modules of the software are combined and will be tested in a group.


After changes the software will be tested to find anomalies

Smoke Testing

Ensures important functionalities of your app is perfectly working

Sanity Testing

One of the subset of regression testing

Interface Testing

Ensures graphical interface has meet its expectation

User Acceptance Testing

To find out whether the software is equipped to handle real-world scenarios and users.

Beta Testing

Last stage where the software will be subjected to customer validation

Why Testbytes?

Testbytes is a software leader with innovative, business-driven software testing services and quality assurance. Our comprehensive company portfolio caters long term testing services, immediate testing solutions and on time delivery.

Our professional testing team works with clients to deliver tangible business value in context with today’s digital market solutions. We make sure that your software meets all the business requirements as per needs. Services from Testbytes are designed to detect errors at a very early stage therefore reducing the risk and cost during production.

The Process


We will gather all the required data regarding the project


Estimation, Traceability matrix, Test plan and risk involved will be assessed in the second process


Environment for the test, software hardware configuration, Test scenarios and cases etc are carried out in this section.


Execution of the test, analysis of the result, sharing insights etc are done in this segment


Summary of the test, recommendations, client discussion and project closure etc are included in the last and final process.

Unique traits which make us stand apart

Professional team with top-tier QA specialists

Coordinate with clients to resolve technological issues

Testing according to requirement and scope of product

Use of proficient systems for defect tracking

Submit projects on time, ensure adequate reliability and regular submission of test reports

Ensure cost optimization testing methods

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